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Bathroom Reading for January

Posted: January 10th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Adventure Corner | Tags: , , | No Comments »

I have restocked the first floor bathroom’s book selection.

Now available for your reading pleasure while using the first floor bathroom:

Seaguy by Grant Morrison and Cameron Stewart.  Excellent catch-up reading if you want to be ready for the 2nd story arc’s publication this year.  A horrible dystopian superhero cartoon featuring a talking cigar smoking hovering tuna fish and an evil Disney analogue owned by a giant eyeball that tortures a sentient living goo for soda pop & snack food while suppressing the secret of the ancient Egyptian civilization on the Moon.

Japanese Death Poems, which is basically a book of what the title says.  Many Japanese people have died, and a portion of those wrote a sentence or two about it.

In Search of VALIS, selections from Philip K. Dick’s exegesis.  Learn more about your world!  Includes the essay “I Understand Philip K. Dick” by the late and lovely Terence McKenna.

Desolation Jones by Warren Ellis and JH Williams III which is the story of an amoral super-powered constantly hallucinating ex MI6 intelligence agent private eye set against the backdrop of the gonzo pornography industry in modern day Los Angeles.

Dog Moon by Robert Hunter and Timothy Truman, one of the earliest DC Vertigo graphic novels, written by Grateful Dead lyricist Robert Hunter.

So gorge yourself on a bunch of Jalapeño Poppers and Pabst,  get in there. and get shitting!

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