the world’s foremost

The Mystery of the Two Black Cats

Posted: May 4th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Adventure Corner | Tags: , , , , | 1 Comment »

It is almost the one month anniversary of no one writing in the blog.

I have taken it upon myself to put off my thesis writing for a couple minutes to prevent us from the horrible embarrassment of not having a fully updated blog and to tell you a story about the some cats that have been hanging out on Putnam Ave as of late.

There are two cats that come by and peer into our lovely backyard on occasion. One of them is big and black with a rolling stomach that takes in rat after cat treat after bug after cat nip after bird (this fact has not been fact checked- in fact I have yet to see the fatter cat eat anything yet). The sex is undetermined. For now, I will assume that it is a she and will from here on refer to her as Mona de Momma. The second cat is a small scraggly young cat. He is a he. How do we know this? He has two small testicles. They are black and furry, just like him. He has been seen eating on many occasions. He has also been seen being very needy and wanting lots of love and attention. So much so that he will sit on your lap and prevent you from eating your nachos. He, on the other hand, does not like nachos. From now on, he will be referred to as Nacho.

What will happen to these cats? What are their fates? Do they have an owner? Will they continue to stop by Brambleberry Manor? These answers and more on the next session of Brambleberry Mystery Blog Theater.

One Comment on “The Mystery of the Two Black Cats”

  1. 1 leviloscerous said at 7:28 pm on May 6th, 2010:

    The folks in Phyllis’s yard were all like, “What’s up with [Nacho] hanging out in your yard all the time?” I just shrugged. They don’t have to know that we’ve been sneaking Nacho gourmet treats and Cutta’s food (sorry Cutta). Also the fact that I’ve said on more than one occasion, “Now you’re *my* cat!” Right, so like I said, I shrugged. Then I asked as nonchalantly as possible, “Oh… is he your cat?” They said yes, his name is Shallow. That’s a weird name. SHALLOW? No Shadow. OH. Shadow. I like Nacho better. Or Hurricane Scrambles the Death Dealer (Scrambles for short).

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